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  • Finalist - Independent Schools of the Year for Healthy Eating

    Published 07/09/22
    King’s High is a Finalist in the Independent Schools of the Year for Healthy Eating Award! We are passionate about promoting healthy eating habits at King’s High, ensuring that the food we provide is nutritious and balanced, and we're
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  • King's High Celebrates GCSE Results

    Published 26/08/22
    King’s High School pupils are celebrating after achieving excellent results for their GCSEs. The pupils have shown great strength and determination and applied themselves consistently to their studies, taking the challenges of the pandemic
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  • King's High Celebrates Great Success

    Published 18/08/22
    KING’S HIGH SCHOOL CELEBRATES GREAT SUCCESS WITH THEIR STUDENTS After a wonderful year of being physically back in the classroom, Sixth Formers at King’s High School, Warwick are celebrating exceptional results. Our stud
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  • Café Scientifique Newsletter

    Published 07/07/22
    Our latest - and final - Café Scientifique newsletter this academic year focuses on Biomedicine. Packed full of interesting articles and recommendations, it's a must-read for any aspiring medics or biochemists. Our new team will launch the
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  • Independent Schools of the Year 2022

    Published 07/07/22
    We are thrilled that King's High has been shortlisted in the Independent Schools of the Year 2022 Awards in the categories of Student Wellbeing, Innovation Award, Sporting Achievement, Healthy Eating, and Independent Girls’ School of t
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  • Celebrating our Changemakers: The Changemaker Awards

    Published 06/07/22
    ‘You are each and every one of you Changemakers.'  
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  • House Mathematical Art Competition

    Published 06/07/22
    An exciting new competition has launched, combining Maths and Art - the House Mathematical Art Competition.  Pupils are invited to submit a piece of Artwork by 9 September, based on one of the following categories: Portraiture Female
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  • ‘On y va !’ - Year 8’s French Play in a Day

    Published 05/07/22

    Year 8’s French Play in a Day is always a lovely high point. The script highlights topics pupils have been studying in French, and they rehearse their scenes through the day (usually with a lot of accompanying laughter!), before performing the finished ‘pièce de théâtre’ together. The cast performed brilliantly, and there was a warm reception for the various pupils who took on the role of Bruno, the adorable family ‘chien’. This was a specially poignant performance this year, since it was the last for Mrs Gibson, our wonderful Head of Modern Foreign Languages and French.


    With the Summer holidays approaching, Mrs Montiel, Head of Spanish, offers the following scene, which may ring a bell with anyone trying to make holiday plans that will please everyone... 

    Family in kitchen chatting around table 

    Papa :  Cet été nous allons rester en France. Qu’est-ce qu’on va faire ? 

    Maman : Moi, je voudrais aller à Paris.  Les boutiques sont superbes et on peut visiter les monuments. 

    Antoine : Mais non ! C’est ennuyeux ! Moi, je voudrais aller à la plage.  J’aime jouer au volley sur la plage. 

    Cécile : Moi, je préfère aller à la campagne parce que j’aime faire des balades à vélo et on peut faire du camping. 

    Isabelle : Le camping, tu plaisantes ! Je déteste le camping. Il fait froid et il pleut ! Je voudrais aller au parc Disneyland – c’est chouette ! 

    Papa : Oh là là - quelle décision !  Moi, je voudrais aller au bord de la mer.  A La Rochelle il y a une belle plage, des magasins, des cafés et il fait beau. On peut rester dans une caravane. 

    Maman : Et toi, Bruno ? (talking to the dog) 

    Bruno : Ouaf ! Bonne idée !  J’adore faire des promenades sur la plage. 

    Antoine : Super ! 

    Cécile : On y va ! 

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  • King's High News - Summer Edition

    Published 01/07/22
    We are really motoring in the Summer Edition of King's High News, which features stunning Mini artwork on our cover by Emily in Upper Sixth. Available to download below.
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  • Junior Creative Writing Club - Summer Anthology

    Published 30/06/22
    Our very talented Junior Creative Writing Club has produced the most wonderful Summer Anthology, inspired by the theme of the sea. Download your copy below and enjoy the range of pieces, both poetry and prose, that they have worked so
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  • Family Day Festival - Saturday, 2 July at Warwick Independent Schools Foundation

    Published 30/06/22
    Saturday, 2 July is Family Day at the Warwick Independent Schools Foundation. The Shared Spaces Arts Festival features a wealth of entertainment, whilst showcasing the spaces and creativity of our community. Join us as the Myton Road Campus come
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  • King's High to exhibit at Warwickshire Open Studios

    Published 28/06/22
    For the first time, King's High is taking part in Warwickshire Open Studios. Visitors are invited to come and view pupils’ GCSE and A Level Exhibition in our purpose-built Art studios on Friday, 1 July (4.30pm - 7.30pm) and Saturd
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