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House System

The house system at King’s High was originally introduced in 1921 by the then Head, Miss Gardner. After a seventy-five year hiatus, it was revived six years ago and has been an enormous success ever since. Through a rich programme of activities, events and competitions, our pupils have enjoyed opportunities to work with one another across all year groups in their house. 

Students have benefitted from the leadership opportunities, the charitable initiatives, the teamwork and the spirit of friendly competitiveness that is part of the experience. Our house system enables friendships and connections to blossom across year groups. It adds so much to our students’ experiences and is a great source of fun and joy. 

In 2022 we were delighted to transition from four houses to six new houses following the growth our school and our relocation to the Myton Road Campus. The new houses were named after the inspiring figures that our students nominated for our Changemaker Gallery, which opened in September 2021: Austen, Earhart, Franklin, Seacole, Tubman and Yousafzai. 

This allowed us to reduce the number of students in each house and to provide more opportunities for our students to take part in and lead house events and activities. It also enabled us to align with Warwick School’s six houses so that we could establish ‘paired houses’ and run joint house activities across Kings’ High and Warwick School, promoting our Best of Both Worlds ethos. The table below shows the paired houses across our two schools: 

King's High Warwick School
Austen Greville
Earhart Brook
Franklin Tudor
Seacole Oken
Tubman Guy
Yousafzai Leycester

Students are allocated to their House before joining school in September and become members of a House family to help them form new friendships across the year groups. 

There are house meetings every week on Friday mornings and the events include debating, dance, singing, music, drama, sport, quizzes, fundraising and much more. Our Houses bring the school together under a common aim, as well as underpinning the ethos, mission and aims of our school. 

Staff House leaders 

Houses are led by a talented and enthusiastic team of staff under the direction of Mrs Wellman. 

House Head of House
Austen Mr Reeves
Earhart Dr Kirby
Franklin Miss Alonso
Seacole Mrs Knight
Tubman Mrs Jones
Yousafzai Miss Clements