Landor Association and OGA
The Old Girls’ Association is a fantastic network of over 4,500 former King’s High School pupils based all around the world. All former pupils are automatically members free of charge and for life, and you will receive newsletters, email updates, and invitations to many events throughout the year, including the 'All the Fives' Reunion, OGA Annual Lunch and AGM, and Landor Association events.
The Old Girls’ Association falls under the umbrella of The Landor Association. The Landor Association seeks to enhance the work of our current Parents' Associations and the Old Girls' Association (OGA) of King's High, providing opportunities for current and former parents, staff and Governors, and our many friends in the wider community, to be more actively involved in the life of King's High School and Warwick Preparatory School. A key aim is to promote life-long relationships between the schools and the wider Landor community. Please visit the Landor Association website for the most up to date information.
The School supports the King’s High community past and present by facilitating a network of strong relationships between our Old Girls and the school. This is achieved by hosting regular reunions and by circulating news through the Old Girls’ e-news and the annual publications, such as the OGA Annual Notice and The Ilex. The Landor Association also has a full calendar of events each year, including an annual lecture, careers evening and Carol Service, as well as more ad hoc events throughout the school calendar.
Many Old Girls express feelings of gratitude for the quality of education they received at King’s High and credit it for their subsequent success in life. Many also have a desire to ‘give something back’. So, whilst we will always provide Old Girls with opportunities to visit the school and meet up with old friends, we would also like to help you get more involved with current school life. Here are a few ways you could support us:
Give talks to current girls
Old girls from all walks of life come into school to speak, or give virtual talks, about different aspects of their lives, including their careers, hobbies, or personal insights into, for example, race or disability. Perhaps you have written a book that you want to publicise. Have you swum the Channel or climbed Everest? Was one of your ancestors a high-achieving ground-breaking female role model? We would love to hear from you. Please email us here.
Provide work experience or Gap Year opportunities
Today’s new graduates and school leavers have a difficult work landscape to navigate. Could your company offer work experience or an internship to a recent leaver? Are you recruiting staff who wish to take their first steps on the career ladder? Please let us know if you can help.
Another key aim is supporting the advancement of the schools within the Foundation. King’s High and Warwick Prep benefit from the generous philanthropic support of our community. Old Girls, parents and friends give their time and financial support to provide excellence and opportunities to inspire and nurture pupils, whether through bursaries or for capital projects. We are very grateful to all our supporters. If you would like to find out more, email us here.
Sign up to Warwick Foundation Connect
Why not sign up to Warwick Foundation Connect? This is the official networking platform for King's High Old Girls and Landor Association members. It also gives you the opportunity (if you wish) to network and connect with Old Warwickians. It is a platform for advancing your career with professional networking, as well as reminiscing with friends and finding out what they have been up to. This is a closed network for those in the Landor and Old Warwickian community and it is managed by the Development Office at King’s High and Warwick School. You can sign up at
Update your details
For the most up to date information on news and event please visit the Landor Association Website or email
In order to maintain our communications with you or if you have lost touch with us please fill in your details here. Please provide your personal email address and mobile number. These will be stored securely on the school’s Development and Landor Association database and used to contact you and to share school and OGA news which we think will be of interest to you. A copy of our privacy policy may be found here.
We are always delighted to hear from our friends and supporters and, if you are able to visit the School in person, we would be very pleased to see you.
Our very own King's High School, Warwick and Warwick Prep School book, ‘Of Mulberries, Ilex and Acorns’, celebrating our fascinating story from 1879-2019, is one not to be missed and is available to purchase. Please contact for details or click here to complete an Order Form.