King's High launch the 'Big Changemaker Conversation'
Educating the Changemakers of the future
Dr Burley, Head Master of King's High, announces: 'I am delighted to launch our ‘Big Changemaker Conversation’ to enable our students to discuss and celebrate the Changemakers out there who inspire us as a community. Stage One of the project is to nominate inspirational figures for our new Changemaker Gallery!'.
As part of the Big Changemaker Conversation at King's High, students have been discussing lesser known, but culturally influential Changemakers, alongside Greta Thunberg, Kamala Harris and Marcus Rashford.
Like Canadian teenager Ann Makosinksi, who won the Google Science Fair with a flashlight that runs on heat from a human hand – inspired by a friend in the Philippines who was struggling at school because her family could not afford electricity to light a room for her to study in.
You can read more about the Changemakers who have been inspiring our students in this article Dr Burley wrote for parenting magazine, Muddy Stilettos