Pupils announce King's High's vision for global citizenship
Modern Foreign Languages A Level students, Elukchana and Faatima set out their vision for King’s High in a moving assembly speech, celebrating the European Day of Languages: ‘This year, we have decided to go beyond European borders and celebrate everything King’s does to empower our girls to become global citizens, who understand the wider world and their place within it, working with others to make our planet more equal, fair and sustainable.’
Introduced in 2001 by the Council of Europe, the European Day of Languages is celebrated by 45 countries. This year, King’s High is working towards achieving British Council International School status - a globally recognised accreditation, awarded in recognition of international elements within the curriculum. Events (many of which are marked already) that can be explored in more depth include:
· Holocaust Memorial Day by the History Department
· Chinese New Year in Mandarin club
· Fairtrade by the Geography and Food departments
· Tokyo Olympics by the PE department.
Celebrating the diversity of languages spoken at King’s beyond those taught at school – French, German, Spanish - girls enjoyed videos of pupils and staff speaking Tamil, Afrikaans, Portuguese, Russian, Italian and Japanese. Kate Gibson, Head of Modern Foreign Languages, also reminded girls of their proficiency in Emoji – said to be the world’s fastest growing language - before reminding them to ‘do their homework, as emojis have very different meanings around the world!’.