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Leadership Opportunities


We encourage all Sixth Form pupils to take an active role in leading the school community, whether through formal opportunities like leading societies or by serving as positive role models for younger pupils.

Society Leadership

Leaders of the Sixth Form-led societies are appointed before GCSEs in Year 11 and take office as they start Lower Six. Society leaders have a great deal of freedom and support in arranging events for these well-established societies. We always welcome ideas about establishing new societies as well. 

Prefects and Ambassadors 

Prefect appointments are made in the spring term of Lower Sixth, with interested pupils submitting a formal application. Staff and Lower Sixth pupils are both involved in the choice of Prefects. A list of available Prefect roles and the school’s full policy on leadership will be made available at the start of the process for each Lower Sixth cohort.

The Ambassador roles are advertised and organised once prefect selection is complete.

House Families

All pupils across the school belong to House families, and the Sixth Form take a particular lead in welcoming and supporting younger pupils within the House. 


The Admissions Team is grateful to members of the Lower Sixth and Upper Sixth who act as guides in study periods to show around prospective families. Mrs Cox will organise a rota, and pupils will guide in pairs. Each tour lasts around 20 minutes. As well as being a great way for families to get to know the school from the pupil perspective, this is excellent experience for the guides and counts towards the King’s High Baccalaureate.


Lower Sixth pupils offer great assistance with duties in the main school building at key times of day.

There are three different types of duties to support staff with

  • Red corridor – helping with the lunch queue
  • Smith St/Priory/Chapel OR St Mary’s/Science – check that students are not inside the building unless they are in a club, on their way to lunch or need to visit the toilet
  • To sit with Year 7-11 forms on Wednesday mornings from 8.25am-8.40am

In the autumn term, Lower Sixth will be asked whether they would like to sign up for one or more of these duties. There is no expectation for all pupils to take on duties, though it will, of course, be good experience for pupils aspiring to leadership roles.