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King's High students to perform alongside professional musicians in concert next month

Pupils from across the Foundation will be performing Air, a newly commissioned jazz-classical fusion piece from David Gordon and jazz saxophonist Tim Whitehead, alongside them and the professional Swan orchestra next month.

Orchestra of the Swan's Elements concert presents the four classical elements – air, earth, fire, and water – in musical form.

The concert begins with Jean-Féry Rebel’s unsettling Chaos from his Les Élémens suite and concludes with Debussy’s magical triptych La Merand also features Manuel de Falla’s Ritual Fire Dance.

The Foundation's partnership with Orchestra of the Swan continues to afford profound musical opportunities for our students. This fact will be evident at next month's concert; the opportunity to perform side-by-side with professional musicians in concert is truly unique, and will act to catalyse their development as musicians.

We have already held two Swan concerts at Warwick Hall this season - Stories and Dreams and A Beautiful Thread - both of which were thoroughly enjoyed by those in attendance. Elements is sure to be another outstanding night of music, and it is a fantastic chance to show support for young musicians from  the local community; we would love to you there.

Book your seats here.