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A Community of Changemakers

Head Master's Blog - A Community of Changemakers

Of the many salutary lessons we have learned from our experiences of 2020, the ability to adapt to a world of accelerating change and volatility is surely one of the most striking. Who could possibly have envisaged the seismic changes wrought by Covid-19 and the pressures that they would place on individuals, families and communities? Amidst such high levels of uncertainty and change, the value of resourcefulness, resilience, empathy and community have never been so important. 

Although, for many, 2020 will be remembered as a year to forget (to highlight a paradox), there are so many positives to be drawn from our collective experiences. For example, communities have come together to protect and support the most vulnerable members of society; we have seen a renewed appreciation for those who work tirelessly, and often behind the scenes, to keep our society going; we have a deeper appreciation of the value of community, connection and collaboration; and, of course, we have seen the remarkable strength of our scientific community in developing a vaccine which, we all hope, will bring an end to the pandemic. 

Yet, so much of the great work of 2020 has been achieved in reacting to change, in responding to the unprecedented crises of the day. As we look ahead to what the new year may bring, my greatest hope is that we will be able to more creative and proactive in forging positive change in our community and in the world around us; that we will find a new currency for the inevitability of change, moving from a reactive and adaptive approach brought about by necessity, to an exciting, dynamic, creative and positive philosophy of changemaking. 

At King’s High, the foundations for this have already been laid through our recent work to foreground creative thinking skills, digital learning and educational innovation as part of our school’s DNA. Changemakers are innovators and creative thinkers, inquisitive and open-minded, keen to test out new ideas and explore new ways of doing things. Changemakers have a positive impact on others and their community through inspirational leadership, creative ideas, by demonstrating kindness, compassion, emotional intelligence and empathy. Their commitment to leadership is driven by a sense of others rather than self, by a deep-rooted conviction about the importance of social responsibility and making a positive contribution to community. 

To become a community of Changemakers, or a Changemaker school, is my priority as I assume my new role as Head Master of King’s High. To do this, we need to nurture values, skills and character attributes that centre on creative thinking, social responsibility, empathy and teamwork. As rapid and often unpredictable change becomes the new normal for us all, I am eager to look ahead with hope and optimism at the values that our school community has demonstrated so brilliantly through 2020, and how we can build on this in 2021 to create something very special: an inspired and inspirational community of Changemakers.

Dr Stephen Burley, Head Master