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Driving, Parking and Transport


Driving and Parking 

There is no parking for members of the Sixth Form on the Warwick Schools Foundation campus. Only cars displaying a valid visitor or staff permit are allowed to park on site. 

In line with local authority requirements, the Foundation is currently working through the implementation of its Traffic Management Plan, a significant part of which is the expectation of achieving a reduction of vehicular traffic both on the campus itself and in the vicinity of the four schools that now occupy the site.  

Currently, we have partnered with Warwick Castle who offer a year’s parking permit for the Stables Car Park in Warwick that members of the Upper Sixth can apply for. If interested in this option, please contact Miss Tedd for a permit application form. Alternatively, pupils can park at St Nicholas' Park car park. 

From time to time, individuals who are qualified to drive and have not chosen to apply for a permit, decide to park in neighbouring residential roads/areas. While we have no jurisdiction over such individuals if they choose to park in neighbouring roads, the practice of so doing has previously caused anguish and anger for the residents who live there. The movement of King’s High to the Myton Road Campus has substantially shifted the traffic movements around Warwick, and we do have a responsibility to minimise as far as possible its impact.

Our reputation with our neighbours, local community and town of Warwick is as important to us as our reputation regionally and nationally. We want to be a positive contributor to the town, not a negative one. For these reasons we would ask that any pupils driving to school who do not wish to park either in the Stables Car Park or St Nicholas' Park first speak to one of the Sixth Form team, who will discuss the options with them.  

Those members of the Sixth Form driving a car to school are reminded that while they are allowed to sign out at lunchtime they should only be using their car to arrive and depart from Warwick at the beginning and end of the school day. 

Driving Lessons and Tests 

Pupils do not have permission to take driving lessons during the school day. Pupils are not allowed to drive into or out of the school site during a driving lesson.  

Parents are able to request absence in order for pupils to take a driving test by completing an absence request on the school portal. 
