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ISI Report 2024

It brings us great pleasure to share our latest ISI School Inspection Report with you.

Less than ten per cent of schools inspected by ISI achieve a coveted ‘significant strength’ and we are delighted to have achieved this for our work on Changemaking – for our pupils’ active involvement in community service, sustainability projects, global citizenship and for initiatives that foster respect, responsibility and awareness of societal and ethical issues.

"We have enjoyed enormous success at King’s High recently, experiencing strong national recognition as a centre for excellence and winning many prestigious awards and accolades. I am delighted that our latest inspection builds on this momentum, recognising and celebrating the strengths of our school and the warmth and positivity of our culture and ethos." Dr Stephen Burley, Head Master

Key Highlights

"Pupils’ wellbeing is central to leaders’ and governors’ decisions. The school’s supportive environment and innovative GCSEs reflects a strategic focus on fostering a happy, aspirational community."

"The introduction of the Changemaker Programme and future-ready courses exemplifies leaders’ encouraging independent, outward-thinking pupils … pupils are consistently encouraged to be aspirational in considering future options."

"Leaders foster an environment where pupils are confident and well prepared for future challenges. Through thoughtful decision-making, robust systems, and a clear focus on community and social responsibility, leaders and governors ensure pupils’ academic success and wellbeing."

"Pupils can confidently articulate their learning, expressing enthusiasm for their subjects … pupils value the tailored support, which has a positive impact on their progress … pupils are well motivated to learn, encouraged by their teachers’ enthusiasm … Collaborative opportunities, such as joint choral concerts allow pupils to showcase their talents and foster pride in their achievements."

"In all areas, pupils demonstrate independence, responsibility, and respect. This aligns with the school’s ethos. An inclusive, active, and socially aware culture is fostered throughout the school."

Additional Highlights

"Robust safeguarding, transparent communication, and forward-thinking governance ensure accountability and effective policy implementation. Leaders’ actions underpin the school’s supportive environment, which fosters pupils’ academic success, effective personal development and future readiness."

"Through innovative projects such as volunteering at local schools, international links, and charitable activities, pupils develop strong empathy, leadership and collaboration skills. Programmes such as interfaith councils, and democratic forums instil respect for diversity, ethical decision-making, and active participation in shaping societal change."

"Boarding provision aligns with the school’s ethos of inclusion and care, nurturing a diverse community."

"The school builds self-esteem and confidence through diverse opportunities … Initiatives, including the mentoring programme and external workshops further enhance pupils’ self-esteem. Targeted support is on hand for those who need it."

"The physical education curriculum encourages mastery of core physical skills, offering a wide range of competitive and non-competitive options from yoga to athletics."

"The school’s behaviour policy is consistently applied. This creates a calm and respectful learning environment. Pupils understand the sanctions for unacceptable behaviour, which are applied fairly. A restorative approach is used on the rare occasion when poor behaviour occurs. This builds pupils’ understanding of right and wrong."

"Boarding accommodation is homely and secure. Regular wellbeing surveys ensure that boarders’ voices are heard. As a result, the effectiveness of the nurturing environment continues to improve."

"The school’s careers guidance programme offers robust guidance … mutual respect is embedded within the school culture."

Read the Report in full below.