Key Information For Parents
Welcome to King's High and the start of your daughter's journey with us. The information within this section should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions of the Parent Contract (sent with the offer of a place) and the Registration Form and Acceptance Form. Please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any queries at all.
I am absolutely delighted to be welcoming your daughter to King’s High and I look forward to seeing her settle in and feel at home very quickly. Please do reassure her from me that the expert staff here, and our students, will do all they can to ensure a smooth transition. It is very likely that your daughter will be kept so busy during that first term, taking part in the broad variety of opportunities on offer and meeting new people, that being in a new school will soon be a distant memory.
In addition to your daughter adapting to her new environment, we appreciate that this will be new for you too as parents. We have therefore drawn together helpful information on these pages to aid you in preparing for September. You will also receive a copy of the King's High Handbook in advance of the new term, which contains detailed information about school life.
Please do read through each of the areas on these pages, and complete the forms in each section where requested. These include:
Compulsory Forms
- Your Child's Data Form
- Medical Information
- Parental Responsibility Statement
Optional Forms
- LAMDA Lessons (if applicable)
- Instrumental and Vocal Music Tuition (if applicable)
Please also take care to review the following requirements:
- School Uniform
- Sports Kit and mouthguards
- Stationery
- Information Technology and BYOD
The end of the current academic year is fast approaching, and I would like to take the opportunity now to wish you and your daughter a very enjoyable final term with her current school, and a relaxing summer holiday.
I look forward to welcoming you through the doors at King’s High in September.
With best wishes,
Dr Stephen Burley
Head Master
key dates for year 7
Tuesday 4 June 2024
On Tuesday 4 June at 7pm there is an introductory live online event about our Bring Your Own Device Programme. A letter with further information and a link will be emailed to you closer to the time of the event. This event will answer key questions about digital learning, device specification and the support that is available. We anticipate it will last approximately thirty minutes.
Wednesday 3 July 2024
We are welcoming our new families for our Year 7 Induction Day. Pupils should wear their current school uniform. Please refer to the separate email for the start time for your daughter.
Parents are advised to arrive from 1.15pm at the King’s High Reception. The afternoon is an opportunity to hear from Dr Burley, meet your daughter’s form teacher, and enjoy refreshments with senior staff. The event will end at around 3.30pm.
Tuesday 3 September 2024
This is the day before the Autumn Term begins.
All Year 7 pupils should arrive, in their King’s High uniform, at the school Reception at 1.45pm for a 2pm start.
Pupils will spend the afternoon with their form teacher and new form. This extra time spent in school, prior to the official start of term, will help our new joiners approach their first day more confidently. Pupils should wear King's High school uniform and, in their rucksacks, bring a pencil case containing writing equipment and a full water bottle.
Parents are invited to join us in the school Dining Hall for refreshments from 3:30pm. There is an opportunity to hear from representatives from our King’s High Association of Parents and Staff (KHAPS). We encourage parents to get involved with the excellent work of KHAPS, from attending social events to becoming a KHAPS representative.
There is also an opportunity to become a parent Form Representative, an important point of contact to help parents connect with other parents in their form. If you would be interested in finding out more about being a Year 7 Form Rep, please contact Mrs Didlick.
Wednesday 4 September 2024
The first day of the Autumn Term is officially Wednesday 4 September and pupils should arrive at the main entrance on the Banbury Road between 8.20am and 8.35am on that day. Your daughter will be welcomed at Reception by a member of the Senior Leadership Team before being accompanied to her form room.
Friday 6 September 2024
Bonding activities are planned to take place in the first couple of weeks of term, and at various points throughout the school year, including within regular House meetings. On Friday 15 September, there will be a special bonding day when Year 7 pupils will be taken off timetable. The aim of these bonding activities is for the pupils to have fun, get to know each other, develop self-confidence, leadership and teamwork skills, and form new friendships within their new year group and beyond.
Thursday 10 October 2024
Year 7 Parents - Meet The Tutor Evening
6.00pm Arrival and Drinks Reception in Dining Hall
6.30pm New Parents’ Welcome with form tutors
7.15pm - 8.30pm Presentation to all Year 7 Parents in the Hall
Your child's data and additional forms
In order to ensure we are holding the most up-to-date information for your child we ask that you kindly complete the data and medical forms below. These are compulsory. Before completing the forms, please review the parental responsibility information. Names of both parents with parental responsibility and both addresses, if different, are required.
You will also find additional forms, which are optional, for LAMDA lessons and Instrumental and Vocal Tuition. Further information on these can be found in the LAMDA and Music sections.