OLD key Information For Parents (Mid Years)
Welcome to King's High and the start of your daughter's journey with us. The information within this section should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions of the Parent Contract (sent with the offer of a place) and the Registration Form and Acceptance Form. Please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any queries at all.
I am absolutely delighted to be welcoming your daughter to King’s High and I look forward to seeing her settle in and feel at home very quickly. Please do reassure her from me that the expert staff here, and the girls, will do all they can to ensure a smooth transition. It is very likely that your daughter will be kept so busy, taking part in the broad variety of opportunities on offer and meeting new people, that being in a new school will soon be a distant memory.
In addition to your daughter adapting to her new environment, we appreciate that this will be new for you too as parents. We have therefore drawn together helpful information on these pages to aid you in preparation. You will also receive a copy of the Parent Pupil Handbook in advance of the new term, which contains detailed information about school life.
Please do read through each of the areas and complete the forms where requested. These include:
- Your Child's Data Forms
- LAMDA Lessons Request Form
- Instrumental and Vocal Music Tuition Request Form
I look forward to welcoming you through the doors at King’s High shortly.
With best wishes,
Dr Stephen Burley
Head Master
key dates for Mid years
Please refer to our calendar for further information.
Your child's data and additional forms
In order to ensure we are holding the most up-to-date information for your child we ask that you kindly complete the data and medical forms below. Before completing the forms, please review the parental responsibility information. Names of both parents with parental responsibility and both addresses, if different, are required. You will also find additional forms for LAMDA lessons and Instrumental and Vocal Tuition. Further information on these can be found in the LAMDA and Music sections.
Term dates
The king's high handbook